Are you motivated by the work you do? Is it stimulating the inner you?
What pumps gas into your tank? Did you know that over 70% of the workforce is not satisfied with what they do? Amazing – isn’t it? I think that ‘s one of the scariest statistics out there.
Imagine getting up everyday to spend 8+ hours doing something that doesn’t feed your head. Maybe it’s a means to an end. At least you get paid, but not having your head and heart in it….that’s got to be disconcerting. Don’t you think?
I am an official member of AA. Not that one – this one is my idea. Attitude Advocate.
If you can find a few things that do feed your head each day – you can really create a balance that might just satisfy you. Maybe it’s the culture you work in, maybe it’s an associate at work, a client, and the place you get your lunch or the neighborhood where your office is. (Take a walk each day)
Whatever it is – make sure you focus on that for a piece of each day just to give a little balance and offer something to look forward to.
Everyday should be a small journey. It doesn’t need to be all darkness.
Initiate, within yourself a positive feeling that energizes the mind. It can and should make a difference. It will also make you more productive and that always adds value to the day.
The essence of your work should not dictate how your life is. You need to take control of your time and determine the outcome of each day. The essence of ‘you’ should be the activator. With exception to certain days and experiences – you can be a member of AA too.