As a Creative Service Provider, I distinguished myself as a commercial, state-of-the-art digital photographer in New York City. I captured content for some very iconic brands, developed excellent business skills and earned the respect of the creative community by producing quality and award winning photography that has appeared globally. I loved what I did and don’t for one minute, minimize how lucky I was.
In 2007, I had career ending eye surgery that dictated a change of careers and a professional re-invention.
I have a natural ability to work with and get along with people. This has both inspired and directed my career sequence into the career path of Talent Acquisition, Recruiting, Staffing and now CAREER COACHING. I learned to embrace the change and recognized the value in maintaining a good mind-set and keeping my life moving forward.
I wasn’t laid off. I wasn’t fired. I wasn’t downsized. I wasn’t a victim of budget cuts. Never the less, I had to re-invent myself.
Transition and re-careering, under any circumstance can put your head in a dark place. It forces you to look at yourself from a very different perspective. It will certainly take you out of your comfort zone.
What I discovered early during the transition – ATTITUDE was a key driver to finding new success.
I kept my head in a good place and decided the best thing was to simply move forward.
I organized my resources, developed a plan and took action.
I mapped out a path, began my new journey and, like many travelers, I kept a journal and logged my daily activity. This became the foundation of my new life. It helped me establish direction with purpose and meaning. This became my Job Search Portfolio. It is a reference guide that I still use today.
Job Search Therapy is a support system designed to help you find your way. I work with all career categories and all demographics. My passion for young people and my affiliations with Universities has helped me create a special focus on the entry-level and transitional specialties.
JST is designed to help you recognize your core strengths, how to maximize your abilities and leverage those qualities to understand what’s in front of you. As your partner and advocate I will help you navigate through the process of landing safely and advance your career objectives.