If you are serious about your career at any stage, you need to be serious how and where you look. You must consider all of the resources available and engage with them. If you are looking to buy a new car, you analyze your needs, your budget, cost of maintenance, how many MPH the car offers and of course how much time do you want to invest in the process.
Well, looking for a job, looking for an internship, looking to make some kind of career pivot will require the same due diligence. It all begins with research.
Identify ALL of your resources. Make a list of WHO YOU KNOW. Did you know that 80% of the jobs secured today are through NETWORKING? The ‘who you know’ might be the most important resource you have. Never underestimate the value of whom you know and be comfortable reaching out to them.
Research your market. Learn as much as you can. Explore and get a full understanding of the language ‘they’ use and repurpose that in your self branding, your presentation and of course on your resume. If you speak their language, they will notice and that one thing can make a huge difference and separate you from the many. Look for any and all ways to differentiate you from the rest.
The research is like shopping. If you are just partially committed you are not a serious shopper and you will prolong the success of landing a meaningful work experience. Invest in yourself. What are your career objectives? Commit to them and be a serious shopper – Not a window shopper.