People look for jobs everyday. I assist them in a variety of ways. Many times, I am the 1st call as people think about the transition about to take place.

I enjoy being the first responder. At that point, the best thing is listening so I can

Analyze the situation; assess the needs and the qualities of who they are and what they do. Next step is advising and directing based on what they do, what they want to do and what their specialties are.

Career change, first land, re-inventions, moving up, moving laterally or just feeling the need for change can be good reasons to make a move. In order to begin the process, I recommend you think it through and have a plan. Do a ‘work-back’.

In other words – think about what you want to do and visualize where you want to be. See it completed and then work backwards. De-construct the process.

I know – I know – it’s a tough market and its just not that simple. No argument here. Nothing in the job market is easy. In fact, despite all the improvements we have seen the past 12+ months, it’s still been a fickle marketplace. Jobs that please you, compensate you well (or fairly) and feed your head are difficult to find.

You want to approach this process with an open mind, an open heart and the feeling of hope that keeps your head in a good place. However, you also want to keep it realistic and understand the industry you are looking at. What are your expectations and the industry expectations? Work with that.

It’s important to have time frame in place. Know your threshold. When do you cross over from phase one to phase two and ultimately, phase 3?

In the beginning, it’s great to set your sights on ‘do what you want’.

In a perfect world, you ‘do what you love’. But as the process can take time and lead to frustration, sometimes you have to settle and ‘do what you need’ to……..

Get a job.


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