We are all a W.I.P and if we are not, we are minimizing what our future holds for us. We are not evolving. We are not growing. We are not changing and we are not ADAPTING. Progress, by definition is, ‘moving forward and advancing toward something better’.
As a career professional, as a student or even for someone that is retired, it is within your control to improve who you are, what you do and why you do it. You are responsible and you are accountable to YOURSELF. As technology continues to redefine everything everyday, we NEED to find ways to assimilate, integrate thoughts and ideas and process data that allow us a chance to move forward. That is the foundation of being a WIP.
Being a WIP should help all of us develop a stronger self-awareness, which will lead us to a stronger sense of self-confidence. That can become the key to personal growth, professional fulfillment and open doors so you CAN move forward. Educate and differentiate. Communicate and articulate. Learn more and appreciate your knowledge and use it to make being a WIP a successful and meaningful experience for you and those that you engage with.
With the right attitude, it’s FUN to be a WIP.