Small Strokes

Building, creating, shaping, establishing a career path requires a steady and strategic plan. It’s the plan that puts things in motion. It’s the action you take that will make it happen. It’s a process and a process takes time. Learn to leverage your time productively...

Don’t Be Afraid

There are so many people out there unhappy with their jobs. There are many students about to graduate freaking out about the bridge between campus and career. There are many, because of no fault of their own, that have lost their jobs. Collateral damage is real....

Absorb It

If you PREPARE you are in fact PREPARED. When you are preparing for anything what you must do is make yourself READY. Take all the information in hand, organize the data, assemble and arrange it in an appropriate way that points you in the proper direction. Best way...

Deep Dive

When I was young and did research I found ‘information’. Today, because things are digital and as younger people have grown up with keyboards and touchpads – it’s now called ‘DATA’. Either way, when we are on the hunt for anything, we have so many methods of...

Currency of Words

Currency is: cash, notes, dough, wad, cabbage, roll, bread, moolah, bills, dinero, coins, coinage, chicken feed, cold cash, folding money, legal tender, medium of exchange, almighty dollar and green stuff. It all adds up and allows us to do things, buy things, see...

It’s The Little Things

How you manage change will determine what the outcome is? So many things hinge on the results of your actions. How you prepare, how you communicate, how you market yourself, how you handle yourself with people and how you respect people will always play an important...
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