Walk – Don’t Run

You are looking for a job. Maybe it’s your first stab at the job market and it’s an entry level gig you want/need. Perhaps you are someone with deep experience and for whatever your reason(s), you need to move on or maybe you are thinking about a career change and the...

Don’t Handcuff Yourself

Failure is an essential lesson to be learned. It can be the most effective way to learn. As a career coach and someone that works often with college age and entry-level job seekers, I will advocate and ‘push’ my young clients/students to be pro-active about exposure....

Clear and Simple

How can you possibly accomplish anything if you don’t TRY? At the end of the day, it’s all about your effort and the attitude that drives that effort. It all comes down to your sense of self-commitment and a pledge that you have to make to yourself. What is it that...

Seeds Take Time To Grow

You just landed that first job. In your head (and heart) you know it’s not the best fit, but you felt, maybe desperate or the fact that you have been on the hunt for awhile, it was time to get something in place and get your career sequence moving. Maybe you just...

Pay Attention!!!!!

What comes first is LISTEN. We have 2 ears, so pay attention TWICE as hard and think about what you are hearing. Before you react – Process the information. What does it mean? What impact will it have on you, your objectives, your team and your job? Will it help you...

Manage The Minutes

Possibilities and alternatives are, with exception, worthwhile and often a good investment of time. It is a good practice to think about options that are in front of you. It’s also important to stay pro-active and remain vigilant about CREATING those options. You know...
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