First Impression

Funny how each week, in it’s own way, becomes thematic. There was a continuous flow of resume – review –  requests (say that 5 times fast). Some from industry friends and several from private clients. I don’t like to write or even re-write a...

If I were King of the forest…..

Well, we did it – another Friday. And for many of us – a long weekend w/ Monday off.   Been hearing ROI allot lately. Seems no matter what gets discussed, the question is, ‘what’s in it for me/us?’ What is the margin? What is my Return on Investment? Can’t blame...

The Next Wave

Lately, I have had several calls from college age and college bound people looking for advice on the job market. I’m enjoying all this youth. The energy is incredible. There is so much organic thinking and it has been beneficial to me as well. There is much to...


TRANSITION:  I am confronted with it every day. I am dealing w/ an environment that is constantly changing. Many of the people I represent, service, consul and coach are in a state of transition. Much of this is due to the economic climate and technology. It’s not...

Building a Brand

Building a brand begins with a strong promise. One that will create trust. It has to offer a compelling connection. Without that connect – what is there? Nothing really. It’s a USER EXPERIENCE that makes it work. Doesn’t matter if it’s product,...

Time Flies

It knocks me out how fast this month is cruising by. We are past mid month. The good news – have you noticed, the days are getting a tad longer. Now, we need to figure out a way to get the economy to speed up – wouldn’t that be nice? Clearly, it is...
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