No Worries

How often have you heard that? How often have you had to say it? Often enough that it’s almost a ‘default’ response. You bump into someone in a retail store, say excuse me and the other side quickly says, ‘no worries’. You’re about to get your car in a parking lot and...


Not seen, not heard, not available, unnoticeable, hidden and under the radar – This is NOT how you want to be perceived at work. Whether you are a new hire or you have been there for many years, playing it safe so you are always positioned securely may seem like a...

We All Do It

There isn’t a day that goes by that I don’t hear people talk about mistakes. Let’s face it – We all make them. It’s part of life. How can you avoid mistakes? You can’t. The more stuff you do, the more you risk making mistakes. We make them at work, at play, during...


As a kid, a very common line from parents of my generation was, “stand up straight”. Parents had a real bug about this and to this day, I don’t really know what drove that or where it came from, but it was something I heard often. Maybe my posture was bad – Don’t...

Read the Room

At some point all of us are confronted with career choices. Did you just graduate? Are you unhappy with your current job? Is it time for a change? Are you looking to make more money and HR said, sorry not now? There are a variety of reasons why we will stop, reassess...
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