As you consider your career you must rely on all your resources, but none more important than yourself. You are always the one that can control all the dials and buttons. As a career coach, I am the GPS – I nav, but you will always drive. What it takes is AM-BITION....

Off The Ledge

When it comes to career development, career choice, career search, there will always be some feeling of apprehension, nervousness, anxiety, uncertainty, tension and FEAR. All of this is 100% NORMAL. If you didn’t feel some of this when you are in transition, I would,...

Do It With GRACE

Grace represents so many things. Elegance, poise, charm, finesse, dexterity, ease and agility to name a few. GRACE is ‘poetry in motion’. Watching a dancer, watching a skilled athlete, watching an artist create, putting a plan together at work all require GRACE. I am...

Rescue Plan

Wish I had a dollar for every time a colleague or someone I know refers to, “I am overworked, and I am drowning”. It has a terrible connotation to it. Metaphorically or literally, DROWNING cannot be a good thing. Nevertheless, we are all too familiar with this...


Harmony represents so many beautiful things. In music or in life, HARMONY should provide, by definition, a pleasing effect, agreement, a parallel narrative, symmetry, coordination, friendship, unity, comradeship and among other things a sense of ONENESS. Careers don’t...

Harmony represents so many beautiful things. In music or in life, HARMONY should provide, by definition, a pleasing effect, agreement, a parallel narrative, symmetry, coordination, friendship, unity, comradeship and among other things a sense of ONENESS. Careers don’t...
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