Pay Up

I wish I had a dollar for every time a student and/or a client complained to me about ‘paying my dues’. If I did, I could probably take a nice vacation….. I get the negative connotation to this, but my job as a career coach is to make my clients see the POSITIVE side...


Does it really kill the cat? I think not. Curiosity is the fuel to learn, to think, to process, to strengthen the mind, to make us smarter – It helps us engage with all that we do. There will always be the ‘I don’t know’ moment. That’s a normal part of Life Diet and...

I Gotta P

When I invest – I want and EXPECT a good return on that investment. There is no good reason why anyone wouldn’t want some PROFIT on their time and investments…. Especially when it comes to your career. When you are looking to PROFESSIONALLY advance yourself, you are...


I am not referring to having a ‘free pass’ or ENTITLEMENT as many people might define PRIVILEGE. No, I am talking about what a PRIVILEGE it is to always have been a service provider. I have been fortunate in my 2 careers to be exactly that; someone that serves a...

Don’t Give UP

If you do – You surrender and if you do give up – You lose. Giving up is often the easy way out and that too is a losing proposition. Where is your heart? Where is the motivation that you need to carry you through? Where is your sense of commitment? We all deal with...


Looking for a job? Looking to make a significant change in your professional life? You do know it’s NEVER too late. I am proof of that. Anyone that knows my backstory can tell you at a late stage in career development, I had no choice to PIVOT and reboot my career,...
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