Failure To Launch

Like most of us, I begin the day with the head list. I wake up and start to think about all the stuff I need to get done, who I have to call, why I have to call them, organize it, schedule it and wonder – how the hell am I going to get it all done? I’m not a fan of...

Bad Questions – Mistakes

People always say – there’s no such thing as a bad question, and with rare exception, they would be correct. Timing is everything. If you are in a situation where you must ask questions, you have to make sure you choose an appropriate time to do it. In the ‘heat’ of a...

Moving Forward

As a coach – It’s one of my strictest focal points. One of my tag lines –  “if you aren’t moving forward, then you’re standing still or worse – moving backwards”. It has become a ‘catch phrase’ for many of us. It fits neatly as just another ‘cliché...

Quitters Never Prosper….or do they?

When do you know when to say good-bye? When do you say farewell, hit the road, look for the door, split, leave, resign – WHEN DO YOU QUIT? Is there an appropriate time to throw in the towel? The corner man in a fight will wait until his boxer is getting the crap...
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