
Something we too often take for granted is TIME. It comes and goes. It passes by as quick as the blink of an eye. It’s the measurable period during which an action, process or condition exists or continues, and it’s finite. We measure everything in TIME. How long will...

Can I Get Some Easy

Seems like no matter who I talk to, everyone is pressed for time. You can begin any conversation with, hey how are you? And it seems there is a consistent thread in the response – Oh, I am ‘swamped’. I am crazy busy. I have no time to pee. It seems all I do is go from...

What’s An Imp?

If you were to look it up, you will learn, if you don’t already know, it’s a ‘troublemaker’, a ‘little devil’, a ‘mischievous maker’ or on a happier note, an ‘elf’……although they have been known to cause trouble as well. Either way, an imp is something or someone to...


Are you? If not, at some point, people begin to see you for who and what you are. And if you are not RELIABLE, people will either disconnect from you, disregard you because you are not to be trusted or dependable. And if we are talking about work, being unreliable...

First Impression

Did you ever really consider the significance of FIRST IMPRESSION? It is so casually overlooked and too often minimized, when in fact, it should be front and center, top of mind, a priority and something that we should be aware of. Data supports that most people will...
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