Common Sense

Simply put, ‘Common Sense’ is nothing more than engaging in sound, proper and superior judgment. And in order to make a good decision, you will need to base that off information, data and what your heart tells you? Career Development needs CS and if you can...

Yes Sur

No, it’s not a typo – It’s very intentional. Everyday we are all being challenged by the unknown, and with that, every day brings all kinds of SURPRISES that force us to remain calm, stay strong and utilize good common sense as we make decisions to get through each...


We are certainly experiencing some challenging times and as things continue to move, albeit quickly and in some cases slowly, it’s up to ALL of us to manage fairly, sensibly and to make sure we engage in what I always refer to as CS….good ‘ole Common Sense. ...

Apples and Oranges

I coach, between the students at the University and private clients, about 1000 people in a year. To say the least, a lot of people, and all with their own personal and unique Career Development issues that require a variety of coaching techniques and strategies to...

Black & White

There are so many stages of career development and so many different opportunities out there just waiting to be discovered, but that’s a process, which requires market research, time, commitment, self-awareness and the ability to self-drive. Are you self-motivated? Do...


Most of us, from an early age are confronted with the concept of creating goals. Parents, teachers, coaches, employers and friends will often tell you in order to be successful; you will need to set some goals. Despite what many of us thought growing up, they were...
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