Watch Your Step

When you are looking for professional opportunity, it’s important to know, like most things in life, it’s a PROCESS and that requires that you take your time and manage it step-by-step. One foot in front of the other. Pace yourself. We all want things to happen ASAP...


Working for a living can be both very rewarding and/or a miserable experience, depending on the circumstances you are dealing with on a day-to-day basis. If you are in the ‘fortunate’ category and like/love what you do, I can tell you for someone who has loved 2...

Hey Got a Minute?

Covid has really changed so many things. Work has certainly been redefined. How we share, how we engage, how we learn, how we socialize, how we shop, how we communicate – All different than they were a few years ago. From bad comes good. Covid was about as bad as it...

Get Mean

Looking for a job? Considering making a pivot in your career? Just graduated – Need a job? When it comes to CAREER DEVELOPMENT, there are certain best practices that must be engaged. Identify your resources is probably the best starting point. And if you are uncertain...

Information Overload

We all do some type of research from time to time. Sometimes it’s just for fun as we play around on social media and sometimes there is a very real professional purpose driving it. And then there are the occasional debates we have with friends at dinner – You know...

What Defines You?

We all have those moments in our life when we either recognize or someone recognizes on our behalf that ‘something’ that defines us. Sometimes it can be so fabulous that it becomes our identity and, in some way, our legacy. It can be either positive or negative. How...
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