Fish Out Of Water

Looking for a job is always going to present us with a number of questions. You can think of them as obstacles, but I prefer to see them as things that require answers. Obstacles get in the way and slow us down – I’m not interested in that. I want to keep things...

Anxiety Valve

I just had some significant plumbing work done in my house and when the job was complete, the plumber reviewed the results and explained how the new system functions. There were several ‘release valves’ installed and each had it’s own purpose, which got me thinking...


When you are looking for a job or considering some kind of career change, you will begin the search with many things in mind. Clearly, you want to find an appropriate job that satisfies your criteria and something that will provide some career advancement. Experience...


The feeling or expression of gratitude. A simple display of appreciation.  Something that gets lost daily under all the noise out there. It’s so easy to be THANKFUL and yet we often get so involved in our own ‘stuff’ we loose sight of the people that surround us....

The Perfect Storm

When you are looking for a job or looking to make a change in your professional life, you MUST consider all the moving parts that are necessary to make the change(s) work on your behalf. Step back, put a plan in place, consider all your resources and then begin to map...

Work In Progress

We are all a W.I.P and if we are not, we are minimizing what our future holds for us. We are not evolving. We are not growing. We are not changing and we are not ADAPTING. Progress, by definition is, ‘moving forward and advancing toward something better’. As a career...
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