
Looking for a job will require you to be all in. There is no other alternative. There is no option. There is no substitute. You DO NOT have a choice. If you are going to be successful at not just finding/searching, but LANDING a new opportunity, it is Non-Negotiable;...

Build A Bridge

Another year passes and a new one is knocking on the door. The question is, do I open it and embrace what lies ahead or do I ignore the knock and hang on to yesterday?  It’s foolish to ignore the inevitable. I find it irresistible and, in fact, necessary to open...

Inventory Management

I always find the holidays a great time to take a big step backwards and reflect on what I accomplished during the year. Just seems like a good time to take some personal inventory. I will also spend time on my non-accomplishments too. That can be just as satisfying....


I love balance.  There is something to be said for stability and keeping the proportions of ‘things’ equal. How often have you heard people reference ”life – work balance”? What really makes more sense is LIFE BALANCE, as it all fits within the life you...

Does It Fit?

When it comes to career development and job search, there is no ‘one size fits all’ process. Despite the common goals and objectives of, “I really need this job” or “I really want this job” or “I really need to make a change”, we are all different personalities with...

Pet The Dog

My little spin on ‘stroke their ego’. When you are looking for a job, one of the best tools you can utilize is NETWORKING. Most of us recognize how vital NETWORKING is when it comes to advancing a career plan. 80% of the jobs secured today are through your NETWORK. We...
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