Has Your Ship Sailed

Ships provide travel opportunities all over the world. They can be a great way to see and experience places you have never been or perhaps a place to revisit. Like other modes of transport, it’s a vessel to get from one place to another. Ships present in many other...


Something we all need and as I talk to many, something we don’t get enough of. But consider this: There are so many ways to measure REST. Can consider a vacation, creating some downtime, look for a moment to kick back and RELAX. Maybe you just ‘dial it down’ and take...

Bad Day

We all have them – Don’t we? There is no way to avoid them. They make us feel unhappy, uneasy. They stress us out and they make us feel lousy. There are so many trigger points that can cause a BAD DAY. Miss the bus, miss your train, forget to bring your completed...

Rear View

Rejection – Nobody likes it. It’s always a bitter pill to swallow. From the time we are children and ask for something, anything, a new toy, a cookie, some candy, a chance to stay up just a little longer than normal and mom or dad say, ‘NO’, it’ makes us mad. Human...

We All Have Our Tics

Tics are said to be caused by genetics or some undefined neurotransmitter disturbance. Can be triggered by some sort of anxiety, fatigue, stress, happiness, or excitement. And pretty much all of us have some type of ‘tic’. Not to minimize the more serious variations,...

Get Mean

It’s all about meaning. Is it meaningful? What did you mean? What’s the meaning of this? At times, great questions to ask and worth asking. If you don’t ask – What do you get?? Nothing….. Meaning represents an explanation, a defined moment, a connotation. It...
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