Good Medicine

Something hurts, you feel pain or you feel sick – You might consider running to the doctor for what ails you and if the diagnosis is specific, chances are they prescribe an appropriate medicine. And somehow, almost like magic, you begin to feel better and then before...

The Prefix

So many words of substance that begin with the prefix, RE and when you see them in one place, you REALLY get a sense just how PROFOUND it can be.  As we all progress through life, we make meaningful CHANGES. Some are by choice and of course, some are forced....

Use It – Don’t Waste It

TIME is always a major factor in all that we do. Looking for a JOB, LEARNING how to ride a bike, throw a ball, jump rope, get an education – doesn’t matter what it is, it will all be managed with the use of TIME. There are of course, many RESOURCES we can engage as we...

Just Ask

If you don’t know something what is the best thing you can do? You SEARCH for an ANSWER. You can always utilize the Internet or you can find someone in your NETWORK, reach out and make an inquiry. One thing is certain; we all have RESOURCES available that will provide...

What’s The Point?

With all meaningful things, there should be a POINT that drives it. Your CAREER clearly fits in that category. If there is no POINT to it…..then what’s the POINT? Looking for a job, a career pivot, an internship or a serious change in direction requires a VIEWPOINT....

What A Feeling

How can you measure success and what does it look like for you? Webster’s says that SUCCESS is ‘the ACCOMPLISHMENT of an aim or PURPOSE’. Throughout life, we all create OBJECTIVES and GOALS and typically that’s the force that DRIVES us from one place to another. No...
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